Baseball 5 is new exciting and fast moving game which though modeled in the principles of traditional baseball, adopts a more simplified approach in terms of space and equipment used. Played by 5 players against 5, it can be played anywhere there is open space including back yards and basket ball courts while the only equipment required is a rubber ball. Kenya is currently in position 2 in the continent in Baseball5

Since it’s launch a few years ago, the view this is best entry point for would be professional baseball players in future, is gaining currency among many stakeholders including the World Baseball and Softball Confederation, amid calls to make it an Olympic Sport .

In Kenya the sport is taking root and during COVID19 lockdown regional coaches received online training conducted by WBSC courtesy of Baseball Federation of Kenya and their counter parts national softball federation . Plans for the first continental Baseball 5, competitions in readiness to the World Championships are also at a advanced stage .